Frequently asked questions

What are the opening hours?

04.05 - 23.06

Tue - Fri, 11 - 17

Sat - Sun, 10 - 17

24.06 - 25.08

Mon - Sun, 10 - 17

26.08 - 29.09

Tue - Fri, 11 - 17

Sat - Sun, 10 - 17

30.09 - 13.10

Mon - Sun, 10 - 17

Note that the opening hours for Variants by Pierre Huyghe depend on the river's water level. The tentative opening for 2024 is June 13. If you are visiting Kistefos solely for Variants, we recommend postponing your visit until July, as there is a greater chance that the work will be open.

The sculpture park is always accessible, even outside regular opening hours and the season. Area tickets can be purchased through a vending machine at one of the entrances.


  • Adults, 195,-
  • Senior citizen, 165,-
  • Student, 100,-
  • Children & youth (0-19), Free
  • Kistefos Member Adult, 550,-
  • Kistefos Member Senior citizen, 450,-
  • Kistefos Member Student, 300,-
  • Area ticket outside opening hours, 100 NOK

Tickets can be purchased online, or at one of the entrances. Area tickets must be purchased at one of the entrances.

How do I get to Kistefos?

Kistefos is located in Jevnaker, about an hour's drive from Oslo and Gardermoen. See a detailed travel description here.

Vy has set up an express bus from Oslo to Kistefos and Hadeland Glassverk. The bus runs on selected days during the season.

Where can I park?

There are two entrances to Kistefos and there is parking on both sides:

Entrance South

Preferred parking for those who arrive from the Oslo region or people with reduced mobility. Address: Kistefossveien 24. From Ringerike, via Hadelandsveien / Fylkesvei 241. See placement on Google Maps here.

  • Car park with space for 300 cars.
  • Parking for electric cars and recreational vehicles

Entrance North

Address: Samsmoveien 41. From Jevnaker, entrance via E16 and Bergerfossvegen. See placement on Google Maps here.

  • Car park with space for 100 cars.
  • Extra parking at Bergerfossveien with space for 100 cars, 250 meters walk.
  • Extra parking at Puttemyra, 900 meters walk.
  • Extra parking at Bergerfossveien, 1500 meters walk.
  • Please do not park along Samsmoveien and Bergerfossveien.

Do I have to buy a ticket in advance?

You don´t have to book your ticket in advance, but you can.

Book your ticket here, or buy one at one of the entrances upon arrival.

Payment is accepted with all major cards and Vipps.

Is the park adapted for wheelchairs and people with reduced mobility?
For the disabled, we recommend using Parking South, as the entrance from Entrance North starts with a steep hill. Parking South has access from Ringerike/Fylkesvei 241. The address is Kistefossveien 24. See location on Google Maps here.

Handicap toilets are available in The Twist and in the toilet facilities in the café area.

Kistefos is situated on a 50-acre natural parkland with natural hilly terrain. The roads are covered with gravel. Some of the climbs can be challenging for those who have limited mobility or are in a wheelchair, and in this case, we recommend an alternative route.

Is the park suitable for children?

Yes! Children can run freely and marvel at the works of art - several of them are even interactive. With our new children's map, the visit becomes an exciting journey of discovery and includes simple educational tasks. The map is available free from both entrances. Opposite the café, you will find a play park with various climbing equipment and in the Industrial Museum, there are both a jumping pit and a hamster wheel for your little ones to enjoy.

Is there a café on-site?

Our good neighbor, Øvre Kjekshus Gård, serves hot and cold dishes, made with meat, cheese and vegetables from the farm at the café area.

Can I bring my own food?

Yes, you can, but we politely ask you to enjoy your food in the park, outside the café area.

What payment options are there?

Payment is accepted with all major cards and Vipps.

Can I bring a dog?

Dogs are welcome in the park, but they have to wait outside the buildings, including The Twist Gallery, Nybruket Gallery, the Industrial Museum, and the museum shop. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Can I bring an electric scooter?

You may use an electric scooter in the park, but not inside the buildings, including The Twist Gallery, Nybruket Gallery, the Industrial Museum, and the museum shop.

Do you hold guided tours for groups?

We have several different tours and we are happy to tailor our tours if the group has a special area of interest. Contact us at or 61 31 03 83.

Where can I buy an annual pass?

Annual passes can be purchased online or at one of the entrances.

Does the entrance ticket also apply to The Twist?

Yes, the entrance ticket applies to the entire park and all the showrooms.

Where can I find the bathrooms?

We have restrooms in The Twist and in the café courtyard.

Can you swim in the river?

No! There is a very strong current in the river and we ask everyone to stay at a safe distance and exercise caution.