Opening hours and prices
Opening hours
04.05 - 23.06
Tue - Fri, 11 - 17
Sat - Sun, 10 - 17
24.06 - 25.08
Mon - Sun, 10 - 17
26.08 - 29.09
Tue - Fri, 11 - 17
Sat - Sun, 10 - 17
30.09 - 13.10
Mon - Sun, 10 - 17
Note that the opening hours for Variants by Pierre Huyghe depend on the river's water level. If you are visiting Kistefos solely for Variants, we recommend postponing your visit until July, as there is a greater chance that the work will be open.
The sculpture park is always open, even outside the regular season and opening hours.
- Adults, 195,-
- Senior citizen, 165,-
- Student, 100, -
- Childre & youth (0-19), Free
- Kistefos Member Adult, 550,-
- Kistefos Member Senior citizen, 450,-
- Kistefos Member Student, 300,-
- Area ticket outside opening hours, 100 NOK
Sponsored tickets for the population at Jevnaker, Nittedal, Lunner and Gran
SpareBankstiftelsen Jevnaker Lunner Nittedal and SpareBankstiftelsen Gran sponsor free entry for all residents of the respective municipalities. Sponsored tickets must be collected from one of the two booths at the museum's entrances during opening hours. When collecting, please provide your name and address.