Unveiled 2014

“Slektstrea, Genbanken”
by Per Inge Bjørlo

Slektstrea, Genbanken

The sculpture group Slektstrea, Genbanken deals with social and genetic heritage. Genbanken has astricted geometric and closed idiom that refers to congenital prerequisites. Slektstrea can be seen as a symbol of the individual’s potential, vitality, and ability to grow, rather than letting oneself perish. The two trees’ cores are in stark contrast to one another, illustrating perhaps the ongoing tug of war between expectation and the belief in yourself.

Bjørlo chooses to use harsh and lifeless steel in the adaptation of this theme, but masterly manages to bring great emotion and life into his sculptures. With care and love, parts are welded together. The surface is given beauty, but also wounds and scars.

Kistefos EA Per Inge Bjorlo Slekstrea Genbanken 16029

Slektstrea, Genbanken. Photo: Einar Aslaksen.

Kistefos EA Per Inge Bjorlo Slekstrea Genbanken 16047

Slektstrea, Genbanken. Photo: Einar Aslaksen.

Kistefos EA Per Inge Bjorlo Slekstrea Genbanken 16051

Slektstrea, Genbanken. Photo: Einar Aslaksen.